Eric Lewis: "This can be numbered amongst the most striking of close-up effects!"
Werry experimented for six months on this trick, until he produced a masterpiece of modem Close-up magic. Not a trick in the usual sense of the word, but a SUCCESSION OF SUCH UNLIKELY EFFECTS, that you must have seen "Miracle Disc" (former called Bewitched Disc) to believe our description.
Just read what the audience sees:
The magician places a little wallet on the table in front of him and takes out of it a clear round disc of transparent plastic, which has a large bright red spot on each side.
EFFECT 1: After the magician has shown the disc on both sides, he covers it for a moment with his empty hand, which he immediately draws away to one side. The two red spots on the front and back of the disc are now bright GREEN - and the magician's hands are EMPTY, except for the disc.
EFFECT 2: The performer shows the disc on both sides, covers it again for an instant with his empty hand, moving the hand almost immediately away to the side. The 2 green spots are now YELLOW!
EFFECT 3: The artiste taps against the disc with his finger nails. Right away the UPPER SPOT ONLY turns green again!
EFFECT 4 AND 5: The disc is laid in the left hand in such a way that it is quite clearly seen which color is uppermost. The audience are asked, "Now, which color is on top?' Let us say the answer is "green". The magician opens his hand slowly and shows that the YELLOW spot is on top. This effect is repeated.
EFFECT 6: The disc is in the left hand again, so that it can be seen which color is uppermost. "Which color is on top?" asks the magician smilingly. "Green" say the audience. But perhaps one shorp-witted chap says "yellow". "You're WRONG", says the performer "now it is BLACK" And yes, -there is o black spot on the disc.
EFFECT 7: "I'll do it again, so that you can see it clearly", says the magician and for the fourth time he places the disc into his left hand. Then he asks, "Now then, what's on top now?" There is a doubtful silence. He opens his hand - and the disc isn't there, it has VANISHED! "Obviously you haven't been keeping an eye on it, else you would have seen that I slipped it into the wallet as I touched it just now!" The magician brings the disc out of the wallet.
EFFECT 8: The magician taps the disc with his finger nails again and the spot on the other side is BLACK! EFFECT 9: Suddenly both spots turn BLUE!
EFFECT 10: Once more the magician covers the disc for a moment and when he jerks his hand sideways, as at the beginning, the 2 spots have turned WHITE. And his hands are quite empty except for the disc. With this the performance of the "Bewitched Disc" would be at an end, if there wasn't a yet more staggering climax to this staggering routine.
Effect 11, the CLIMAX: Modestly, the magician puts the disc on to the table and looks at the audience, who immediately rush to give the disc a thorough exam ination. But the only thing they discover is a GOLD "Question" (?) Mark on the white spot, which poses another question to the audience. "Wasn't that super?" And we would like to ask you, dear readers, the same question "Isn't this super?". We assume that your opinions will be the same as ours and that of your future audiences!
Miracle Disc (former named Bewitched Disc) is precision made and comes with the very special disc, accessory including a very nice storage-bag and very detailed instructions.