You will have endless possibilities to perform miracles with our PK RINGS!
Our PK RINGS are the strongest PK rings we have ever seen!
Our PK Ring is a complete, very strong Neodymium Rare Earth Magnet fashioned into a band style ring. It will give you a host of unique opportunities to amaze and impress!
The beauty of the ring lies not only in how it looks, but also in the fact that the ring does all the work for you. No need to conceal anything - a rare treat!
Since the entire ring is magnetized, you do not need to turn the ring on your finger to bring the magnet towards the palm as with previous magnetic rings.
- Stop time on a persons watch using the power of suggestion
- Make items such as cutlery or stationery move, using the power of a persons mind.
- Chopless chop-cup.
- Coin vanishes & appearances.
Limited only by the extent of your imagination. Includes instructions for several tricks.
Select from 19mm, 21mm or 22mm size PK Rings